Lecture 1. Introduction#

A few useful things to know about machine learning

Joaquin Vanschoren

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# Auto-setup when running on Google Colab
import os
if 'google.colab' in str(get_ipython()) and not os.path.exists('/content/master'):
    !git clone -q https://github.com/ML-course/master.git /content/master
    !pip --quiet install -r /content/master/requirements_colab.txt
    %cd master/notebooks

# Global imports and settings
%matplotlib inline
from preamble import *
interactive = True # Set to True for interactive plots
if interactive:
    fig_scale = 1.5
else: # For printing
    fig_scale = 0.3

Why Machine Learning?#

  • Search engines (e.g. Google)

  • Recommender systems (e.g. Netflix)

  • Automatic translation (e.g. Google Translate)

  • Speech understanding (e.g. Siri, Alexa)

  • Game playing (e.g. AlphaGo)

  • Self-driving cars

  • Personalized medicine

  • Progress in all sciences: Genetics, astronomy, chemistry, neurology, physics,…

What is Machine Learning?#

  • Learn to perform a task, based on experience (examples) \(X\), minimizing error \(\mathcal{E}\)

    • E.g. recognizing a person in an image as accurately as possible

  • Often, we want to learn a function (model) \(f\) with some model parameters \(\theta\) that produces the right output \(y\)

\[f_{\theta}(X) = y\]
\[\underset{\theta}{\operatorname{argmin}} \mathcal{E}(f_{\theta}(X))\]
  • Usually part of a much larger system that provides the data \(X\) in the right form

    • Data needs to be collected, cleaned, normalized, checked for data biases,…

Inductive bias#

  • In practice, we have to put assumptions into the model: inductive bias \(b\)

    • What should the model look like?

      • Mimick human brain: Neural Networks

      • Logical combination of inputs: Decision trees, Linear models

      • Remember similar examples: Nearest Neighbors, SVMs

      • Probability distribution: Bayesian models

    • User-defined settings (hyperparameters)

      • E.g. depth of tree, network architecture

    • Assuptions about the data distribution, e.g. \(X \sim N(\mu,\sigma)\)

  • We can transfer knowledge from previous tasks: \(f_1, f_2, f_3, ... \Longrightarrow f_{new}\)

    • Choose the right model, hyperparameters

    • Reuse previously learned values for model parameters \(\theta\)

  • In short:

\[\underset{\theta,b}{\operatorname{argmin}} \mathcal{E}(f_{\theta, b}(X))\]

Machine learning vs Statistics#

  • See Breiman (2001): Statistical modelling: The two cultures

  • Both aim to make predictions of natural phenomena: ml

  • Statistics:

    • Help humans understand the world

    • Assume data is generated according to an understandable model ml

  • Machine learning:

    • Automate a task entirely (partially replace the human)

    • Assume that the data generation process is unknown

    • Engineering-oriented, less (too little?) mathematical theory ml

Types of machine learning#

  • Supervised Learning: learn a model \(f\) from labeled data \((X,y)\) (ground truth)

    • Given a new input X, predict the right output y

    • Given examples of stars and galaxies, identify new objects in the sky

  • Unsupervised Learning: explore the structure of the data (X) to extract meaningful information

    • Given inputs X, find which ones are special, similar, anomalous, …

  • Semi-Supervised Learning: learn a model from (few) labeled and (many) unlabeled examples

    • Unlabeled examples add information about which new examples are likely to occur

  • Reinforcement Learning: develop an agent that improves its performance based on interactions with the environment

Note: Practical ML systems can combine many types in one system.

Supervised Machine Learning#

  • Learn a model from labeled training data, then make predictions

  • Supervised: we know the correct/desired outcome (label)

  • Subtypes: classification (predict a class) and regression (predict a numeric value)

  • Most supervised algorithms that we will see can do both



  • Predict a class label (category), discrete and unordered

    • Can be binary (e.g. spam/not spam) or multi-class (e.g. letter recognition)

    • Many classifiers can return a confidence per class

  • The predictions of the model yield a decision boundary separating the classes

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from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import make_moons
import ipywidgets as widgets
from ipywidgets import interact, interact_manual

# create a synthetic dataset
X1, y1 = make_moons(n_samples=70, noise=0.2, random_state=8)

# Train classifiers
lr = LogisticRegression().fit(X1, y1)
svm = SVC(kernel='rbf', gamma=2, probability=True).fit(X1, y1)
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3).fit(X1, y1)

# Plotting
def plot_classifier(classifier=[lr,svm,knn]):  
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12*fig_scale, 4*fig_scale))
        classifier, X1, ax=axes[0], alpha=.4, cm=mglearn.cm2)
    scores_image = mglearn.tools.plot_2d_scores(
        classifier, X1, ax=axes[1], alpha=.5, cm=mglearn.ReBl, function='predict_proba')
    for ax in axes:
        mglearn.discrete_scatter(X1[:, 0], X1[:, 1], y1,
                                 markers='.', ax=ax)
        ax.set_xlabel("Feature 0")
        ax.set_ylabel("Feature 1", labelpad=0)
        ax.tick_params(axis='y', pad=0)

    cbar = plt.colorbar(scores_image, ax=axes.tolist())
    cbar.set_label('Predicted probability', rotation=270, labelpad=6)
    axes[0].legend(["Class 0", "Class 1"], ncol=4, loc=(.1, 1.1));
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Example: Flower classification#

Classify types of Iris flowers (setosa, versicolor, or virginica). How would you do it?

Representation: input features and labels#
  • We could take pictures and use them (pixel values) as inputs (-> Deep Learning)

  • We can manually define a number of input features (variables), e.g. length and width of leaves

  • Every `example’ is a point in a (possibly high-dimensional) space

ml ml


  • Predict a continuous value, e.g. temperature

    • Target variable is numeric

    • Some algorithms can return a confidence interval

  • Find the relationship between predictors and the target.

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from mglearn.datasets import make_wave
from mglearn.plot_helpers import cm2
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, BayesianRidge
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor
from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF

X2, y2 = make_wave(n_samples=60)
x = np.atleast_2d(np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)).T
lr = LinearRegression().fit(X2, y2)
ridge = BayesianRidge().fit(X2, y2)
gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=RBF(10, (1e-2, 1e2)), n_restarts_optimizer=9, alpha=0.1, normalize_y=True).fit(X2, y2)

def plot_regression(regressor=[lr, ridge, gp]):
    line = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100).reshape(-1, 1)
    plt.figure(figsize=(5*fig_scale, 5*fig_scale))
    plt.plot(X2, y2, 'o', c=cm2(0))
    if(regressor.__class__.__name__ == 'LinearRegression'):
        y_pred = regressor.predict(x)
        y_pred, sigma = regressor.predict(x, return_std=True)
        plt.fill(np.concatenate([x, x[::-1]]),
             np.concatenate([y_pred - 1.9600 * sigma,
                            (y_pred + 1.9600 * sigma)[::-1]]),
             alpha=.5, fc='b', ec='None', label='95% confidence interval')
    plt.plot(line, y_pred, 'b-')
    plt.xlabel("Input feature 1")
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Unsupervised Machine Learning#

  • Unlabeled data, or data with unknown structure

  • Explore the structure of the data to extract information

  • Many types, we’ll just discuss two.


  • Organize information into meaningful subgroups (clusters)

  • Objects in cluster share certain degree of similarity (and dissimilarity to other clusters)

  • Example: distinguish different types of customers

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# Note: the most recent versions of numpy seem to cause problems for KMeans
# Uninstalling and installing the latest version of threadpoolctl fixes this

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs

nr_samples = 1500

def plot_clusters(randomize=(1,100,1)):
    # Generate data
    X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=nr_samples, cluster_std=[1.0, 1.5, 0.5], random_state=randomize)
    # Cluster
    y_pred = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=randomize).fit_predict(X)
    # PLot
    plt.figure(figsize=(5*fig_scale, 5*fig_scale))
    plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y_pred)
    plt.title("KMeans Clusters")
    plt.xlabel("Feature 0")
    plt.ylabel("Feature 1")
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Dimensionality reduction#

  • Data can be very high-dimensional and difficult to understand, learn from, store,…

  • Dimensionality reduction can compress the data into fewer dimensions, while retaining most of the information

  • Contrary to feature selection, the new features lose their (original) meaning

  • The new representation can be a lot easier to model (and visualize)

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from sklearn.datasets import make_swiss_roll
from sklearn.manifold import locally_linear_embedding
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

X, color = make_swiss_roll(n_samples=800, random_state=123)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(0.3)*fig_scale*2.5)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1, projection='3d')
ax1.xaxis.pane.fill = False
ax1.yaxis.pane.fill = False
ax1.zaxis.pane.fill = False
ax1.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], c=color, cmap=plt.cm.rainbow, s=10*fig_scale)
plt.title('Swiss Roll in 3D')

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2)
scikit_pca = PCA(n_components=2)
X_spca = scikit_pca.fit_transform(X)
plt.scatter(X_spca[:, 0], X_spca[:, 1], c=color, cmap=plt.cm.rainbow)

ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3)
X_lle, err = locally_linear_embedding(X, n_neighbors=12, n_components=2)
plt.scatter(X_lle[:, 0], X_lle[:, 1], c=color, cmap=plt.cm.rainbow)
plt.title('Locally Linear Embedding');

Reinforcement learning#

  • Develop an agent that improves its performance based on interactions with the environment

    • Example: games like Chess, Go,…

  • Search a (large) space of actions and states

  • Reward function defines how well a (series of) actions works

  • Learn a series of actions (policy) that maximizes reward through exploration


Learning = Representation + evaluation + optimization#

All machine learning algorithms consist of 3 components:

  • Representation: A model \(f_{\theta}\) must be represented in a formal language that the computer can handle

    • Defines the ‘concepts’ it can learn, the hypothesis space

    • E.g. a decision tree, neural network, set of annotated data points

  • Evaluation: An internal way to choose one hypothesis over the other

    • Objective function, scoring function, loss function \(\mathcal{L}(f_{\theta})\)

    • E.g. Difference between correct output and predictions

  • Optimization: An efficient way to search the hypothesis space

    • Start from simple hypothesis, extend (relax) if it doesn’t fit the data

    • Start with initial set of model parameters, gradually refine them

    • Many methods, differing in speed of learning, number of optima,…

A powerful/flexible model is only useful if it can also be optimized efficiently

Neural networks: representation#

Let’s take neural networks as an example

  • Representation: (layered) neural network

    • Each connection has a weight \(\theta_i\) (a.k.a. model parameters)

    • Each node receives weighted inputs, emits new value

    • Model \(f\) returns the output of the last layer

  • The architecture, number/type of neurons, etc. are fixed

    • We call these hyperparameters (set by user, fixed during training)


Neural networks: evaluation and optimization#

  • Representation: Given the structure, the model is represented by its parameters

    • Imagine a mini-net with two weights (\(\theta_0,\theta_1\)): a 2-dimensional search space

  • Evaluation: A loss function \(\mathcal{L}(\theta)\) computes how good the predictions are

    • Estimated on a set of training data with the ‘correct’ predictions

    • We can’t see the full surface, only evaluate specific sets of parameters

  • Optimization: Find the optimal set of parameters

    • Usually a type of search in the hypothesis space

    • E.g. Gradient descent: \(\theta_i^{new} = \theta_i - \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}(\theta)}{\partial \theta_i} \)


Overfitting and Underfitting#

  • It’s easy to build a complex model that is 100% accurate on the training data, but very bad on new data

  • Overfitting: building a model that is too complex for the amount of data you have

    • You model peculiarities in your training data (noise, biases,…)

    • Solve by making model simpler (regularization), or getting more data

    • Most algorithms have hyperparameters that allow regularization

  • Underfitting: building a model that is too simple given the complexity of the data

    • Use a more complex model

  • There are techniques for detecting overfitting (e.g. bias-variance analysis). More about that later

  • You can build ensembles of many models to overcome both underfitting and overfitting

  • There is often a sweet spot that you need to find by optimizing the choice of algorithms and hyperparameters, or using more data.

  • Example: regression using polynomial functions

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from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

def true_fun(X):
    return np.cos(1.5 * np.pi * X)

n_samples = 30
X3 = np.sort(np.random.rand(n_samples))
y3 = true_fun(X3) + np.random.randn(n_samples) * 0.1
X3_test = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
scores_x, scores_y = [], []

show_output = True

def plot_poly(degrees = (1, 16, 1)):
    polynomial_features = PolynomialFeatures(degree=degrees,
    linear_regression = LinearRegression()
    pipeline = Pipeline([("polynomial_features", polynomial_features),
                         ("linear_regression", linear_regression)])
    pipeline.fit(X3[:, np.newaxis], y3)

    # Evaluate the models using crossvalidation
    scores = cross_val_score(pipeline, X3[:, np.newaxis], y3,
                             scoring="neg_mean_squared_error", cv=10)   

    if show_output:
        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12*fig_scale, 4*fig_scale))    
        ax1.plot(X3_test, pipeline.predict(X3_test[:, np.newaxis]), label="Model")
        ax1.plot(X3_test, true_fun(X3_test), label="True function")
        ax1.scatter(X3, y3, edgecolor='b', label="Samples")
        ax1.set_xlim((0, 1))
        ax1.set_ylim((-2, 2))
        ax1.set_title("Degree {}\nMSE = {:.2e}(+/- {:.2e})".format(
            degrees, -scores.mean(), scores.std()))

        # Plot scores
        ax2.scatter(scores_x, scores_y, edgecolor='b')
        order = np.argsort(scores_x)
        ax2.plot(np.array(scores_x)[order], np.array(scores_y)[order])
        ax2.set_xlim((0, 16))
        ax2.set_ylim((10**-2, 10**11))
        ax2.set_ylabel("error", labelpad=0)

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from IPython.display import clear_output
from ipywidgets import IntSlider, Output

if not interactive:
    show_output = False
    for i in range(1,15):
        plot_poly(degrees = i)
    show_output = True
    plot_poly(degrees = 15)

Model selection#

  • Next to the (internal) loss function, we need an (external) evaluation function

    • Feedback signal: are we actually learning the right thing?

      • Are we under/overfitting?

    • Carefully choose to fit the application.

    • Needed to select between models (and hyperparameter settings)

© XKCD ml

  • Data needs to be split into training and test sets

    • Optimize model parameters on the training set, evaluate on independent test set

  • Avoid data leakage:

    • Never optimize hyperparameter settings on the test data

    • Never choose preprocessing techniques based on the test data

  • To optimize hyperparameters and preprocessing as well, set aside part of training set as a validation set

    • Keep test set hidden during all training

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import mglearn
  • For a given hyperparameter setting, learn the model parameters on training set

    • Minize the loss

  • Evaluate the trained model on the validation set

    • Tune the hyperparameters to maximize a certain metric (e.g. accuracy)


Only generalization counts!#

  • Never evaluate your final models on the training data, except for:

    • Tracking whether the optimizer converges (learning curves)

    • Diagnosing under/overfitting:

      • Low training and test score: underfitting

      • High training score, low test score: overfitting

  • Always keep a completely independent test set

  • On small datasets, use multiple train-test splits to avoid sampling bias

    • You could sample an ‘easy’ test set by accident

    • E.g. Use cross-validation (see later)

Better data representations, better models#

  • Algorithm needs to correctly transform the inputs to the right outputs

  • A lot depends on how we present the data to the algorithm

    • Transform data to better representation (a.k.a. encoding or embedding)

    • Can be done end-to-end (e.g. deep learning) or by first ‘preprocessing’ the data (e.g. feature selection/generation)


Feature engineering#

  • Most machine learning techniques require humans to build a good representation of the data

  • Especially when data is naturally structured (e.g. table with meaningful columns)

  • Feature engineering is often still necessary to get the best results

    • Feature selection, dimensionality reduction, scaling, …

    • Applied machine learning is basically feature engineering (Andrew Ng)

  • Nothing beats domain knowledge (when available) to get a good representation

    • E.g. Iris data: leaf length/width separate the classes well

Build prototypes early-on

Learning data transformations end-to-end#

  • For unstructured data (e.g. images, text), it’s hard to extract good features

  • Deep learning: learn your own representation (embedding) of the data

    • Through multiple layers of representation (e.g. layers of neurons)

    • Each layer transforms the data a bit, based on what reduces the error


Example: digit classification#

  • Input pixels go in, each layer transforms them to an increasingly informative representation for the given task

  • Often less intuitive for humans


Curse of dimensionality#

  • Just adding lots of features and letting the model figure it out doesn’t work

  • Our assumptions (inductive biases) often fail in high dimensions:

    • Randomly sample points in an n-dimensional space (e.g. a unit hypercube)

    • Almost all points become outliers at the edge of the space

    • Distances between any two points will become almost identical

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# Code originally by Peter Norvig 
def sample(d=2, N=100):
    return [[np.random.uniform(0., 1.) for i in range(d)] for _ in range(N)]

def corner_count(points):
    return np.mean([any([(d < .01 or d > .99) for d in p]) for p in points])

def go(Ds=range(1,200)):
    plt.figure(figsize=(5*fig_scale, 4*fig_scale))
    plt.plot(Ds, [corner_count(sample(d)) for d in Ds])
    plt.xlabel("Number of dimensions")
    plt.ylabel("Proportion of point that are 1% outliers")

Practical consequences#

  • For every dimension (feature) you add, you need exponentially more data to avoid sparseness

  • Affects any algorithm that is based on distances (e.g. kNN, SVM, kernel-based methods, tree-based methods,…)

  • Blessing of non-uniformity: on many applications, the data lives in a very small subspace

    • You can drastically improve performance by selecting features or using lower-dimensional data representations

“More data can beat a cleverer algorithm”#

(but you need both)

  • More data reduces the chance of overfitting

  • Less sparse data reduces the curse of dimensionality

  • Non-parametric models: number of model parameters grows with amount of data

    • Tree-based techniques, k-Nearest neighbors, SVM,…

    • They can learn any model given sufficient data (but can get stuck in local minima)

  • Parametric (fixed size) models: fixed number of model parameters

    • Linear models, Neural networks,…

    • Can be given a huge number of parameters to benefit from more data

    • Deep learning models can have millions of weights, learn almost any function.

  • The bottleneck is moving from data to compute/scalability

Building machine learning systems#

A typical machine learning system has multiple components, which we will cover in upcoming lectures:

  • Preprocessing: Raw data is rarely ideal for learning

    • Feature scaling: bring values in same range

    • Encoding: make categorical features numeric

    • Discretization: make numeric features categorical

    • Label imbalance correction (e.g. downsampling)

    • Feature selection: remove uninteresting/correlated features

    • Dimensionality reduction can also make data easier to learn

    • Using pre-learned embeddings (e.g. word-to-vector, image-to-vector)

  • Learning and evaluation

    • Every algorithm has its own biases

    • No single algorithm is always best

    • Model selection compares and selects the best models

      • Different algorithms, different hyperparameter settings

    • Split data in training, validation, and test sets

  • Prediction

    • Final optimized model can be used for prediction

    • Expected performance is performance measured on independent test set

  • Together they form a workflow of pipeline

  • There exist machine learning methods to automatically build and tune these pipelines

  • You need to optimize pipelines continuously

    • Concept drift: the phenomenon you are modelling can change over time

    • Feedback: your model’s predictions may change future data



  • Learning algorithms contain 3 components:

    • Representation: a model \(f\) that maps input data \(X\) to desired output \(y\)

      • Contains model parameters \(\theta\) that can be made to fit the data \(X\)

    • Loss function \(\mathcal{L}(f_{\theta}(X))\): measures how well the model fits the data

    • Optimization technique to find the optimal \(\theta\): \(\underset{\theta}{\operatorname{argmin}} \mathcal{L}(f_{\theta}(X))\)

  • Select the right model, then fit it to the data to minimize a task-specific error \(\mathcal{E}\)

    • Inductive bias \(b\): assumptions about model and hyperparameters
      \(\underset{\theta,b}{\operatorname{argmin}} \mathcal{E}(f_{\theta, b}(X))\)

  • Overfitting: model fits the training data well but not new (test) data

    • Split the data into (multiple) train-validation-test splits

    • Regularization: tune hyperparameters (on validation set) to simplify model

    • Gather more data, or build ensembles of models

  • Machine learning pipelines: preprocessing + learning + deployment